Linguistic, historical continuity: onyms in the modern language (based on historical monuments and modern language)


  • S.K. Imanberdiyeva . 1Казахский агротехнический университет им. С. Сейфуллина, Казахстан, г. Нур-Султан
  • N.Zh. Egizbaeva . Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби, Казахстан, г. Алматы

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The article reviews the works of other scholars on the study of historical written monuments. Scientists conducted research on the text of historical pennants, morphology, functional styles, character
image, etc. In addition, the features of the use of onyms, including precedent names found in historical
written monuments of the Middle Ages and the modern Kazakh language, were identified.The analysis
of the results obtained on the basis of the questionnaire. All categories of onyms are revealed, features
of their functioning in Proverbs and sayings, phraseological units of the modern Kazakh language, and
also in works of modern poets are defined. Modern poets masterfully use precedent names for the”red
word”. The analysis of precedent names was carried out, and their lexical and semantic classification
was determined. Associations of these names in cognition of modern Kazakh society depending on
background knowledge are revealed. Based on this identified that the precedent names, depending on
the background knowledge of readers of medieval and modern Kazakhs the same perception. According
to the source of a certain time, the precedent names were influenced by such extralinguistic factors as
ideology, mentality, history, religion. Over time, precedent names, turned into symbols of love, began
to be replenished with new names. The use of antithesis by poets to enhance the synergy of precedent
names is defined. It is revealed that precedent names that lost their relevance in the times of socialism
are revived again in the present.




How to Cite

., S. I., & ., N. E. (2020). Linguistic, historical continuity: onyms in the modern language (based on historical monuments and modern language). Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 177(1), 142–152.