Project activities at the lessons on professional Russian language


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In recent years, the activity-based approach to languages teaching has become a subject of particular attention. The purpose of the article is to investigate the activity approach in teaching professional
Russian to the bachelor-students of natural sciences. The article proposes a methodology for organizing
and conducting students’ project activities when teaching professional Russian in order to use a special
language in situations as close as possible to professional communication. The goals, objectives and purpose of the course “Professional Russian Language” are being determined. The essence of the concept of
“project activity” is revealed from linguodidactic positions, which is based on the use of the language in
situations maximum close to the conditions of real communication; with emphasis on independent work
of students (individual and team); the selection of topics of great interest to students and directly related
to the conditions, under which the project is being implemented; selection of language material, types of
tasks, establishing a sequence of work in accordance with the theme and purpose of the project, visual
representation of the outcomes. Depending on the dominant type of speech activity, there is given the
projects typological groups classification: research, creative, role-playing, informative, project-oriented.
Particular attention is paid to the description of the role-playing business project. The analysis shows,
that the use of design technologies in teaching professional Russian language contributes into the formation of intellectual, creative and communicative skills.




How to Cite

., A. T., ., S. T., & Zuyeva, N. (2020). Project activities at the lessons on professional Russian language. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 177(1), 224–229.



Methods of teaching language and literature