Genesis, history, genre features of folklore heritage


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The article tells us about the folklore that came to us – about a rich genre, artistically mature, diverse
spiritual heritage and national art, which is used in our daily lives and satisfies our cultural needs. Today
he has reached a multifaceted, multi-level spirituality. Some species were born in ancient times, and
some of them appeared in later times. They mixed, intertwined and assimilated with each other during a
long historical development, therefore it is not easy to separate each of them and reveal features that are
unique to him. Therefore, the main criterion in science is the history of folklore, its genre composition.
From this point of view, the genres of folklore that have come down to us can be divided into ancient
and modern (ritual, artistic and non-artistic).It is known that in the world of folklore science, folklore
works are divided into two main areas, depending on the plot, relation to tradition, purpose and place
of pronunciation. These are: folklore and artistic folklore. This classification is established in the science
of folklore of many peoples. In Russian folklore science, they are considered as «everyday folklore» and
«artistic folklore». Folklore is a folk poetry without a plot and secret character, born on the basis of customs, beliefs, national worldview.




How to Cite

., A. A. , & ., G. A. (2020). Genesis, history, genre features of folklore heritage. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 178(2), 29–35.