Kokshetau version of Diwani Hikmet and its language features


  • S . Utebekov Международный казахско-турецкий университет имени Ходжи Ахмета Ясави, Казахстан, г. Туркестан


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The article analyzes the medieval manuscript of Diwani Hikmet version of Kokshetau, named after the place where it was saved. The article describes the physical state, size, and number of pages of the manuscript. The article considers the Hikmet depending on the spelling, as well as literary and linguistic artistic features, the size of the verses used in Hikmet, and a little information about the types of rhymes. The sound system of the manuscript is analyzed, reflecting the linguistic features of monuments written in the Turkic language in the XVII-XX centuries, some of the most important phonetic phenomena and some features of sound exchange are discussed. The purpose of the analysis of the sound system is to compare it with ancient Turkic monuments and, in some cases, with modern Turkic languages. Morphological features, the most important features of the manuscript (that is, rare or infrequent in works written in the same era) are compared with the language of works written in different eras. The article also explores the vocabulary and vocabulary range, provides comparative statistics on the number of words derived from Arabic and Persian languages, as well as turkisms found in the manuscript, and provides information on the frequency of use of words.




How to Cite

Utebekov, S. . (2021). Kokshetau version of Diwani Hikmet and its language features. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 180(4). https://doi.org/10.26577/EJPh.2020.v180.i4.ph10