The military theme and four elements (fundamentals) in epos “Koroglu” and “Manas”


  • Pashayeva Sahiba , Институт фольклора Национальной Академии наук Азербайджана, Азербайджан, г. Баку

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Many folklore samples rich with heroic episodes of the Azerbaijani and Kyrgyz peoples have been engraved on the pages of history, performed with great enthusiasm at the folk ceremonies and passed from generation to generation as the oldest chronicles of history. The heroism and bravery shown by our common ancestors have the indelible traces in the eposes such as “Koroglu” and “Manas”. The history of both peoples is reflected in the mythological-semantic aspect in these heroic eposes. There is great confidence for the fire, water, air and earth here. Both Koroglu and Manas take all their strength, existence and essence from the world of myths. In this sense, the fire, water, air and earth layers of the myth world help to open the heroic spirit of epics and the history reflected here according to the Turkic way of thinking. The article analyzes the poetics of military themes and the four elements in the epics “Koroglu” and “Manas”. These epics, thanks to their high quality of work, by right take their rightful place in the list of world masterpieces. “Manas” is the most complete and widest artistic reflection of the centuries-old struggle of the Kyrgyz people for their independence and freedom, justice and a happy life. The poetic world of the Manas epic is exceptionally rich and varied. “Koroglu” is the pearl of Azerbaijani oral folk literature. The folk epic, in comparison with other types of folk poetry, has its own special artistic system.




How to Cite

, P. S. (2021). The military theme and four elements (fundamentals) in epos “Koroglu” and “Manas”. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 180(4), 157–164.