History of translations of thelyro-epicpoem «Kozy-Korpesh – Bayan-Sulu» into Russian


  • M. K. Bisenkulov Жетысуский государственный университет им. И. Жансугурова, Казахстан, г. Талдыкорган


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The article is devoted to the history of translations of the lyro-epic poem «Kozy-Korpesh – BayanSulu» into Russian. Information about the poem, which is dedicated to the tragic love of the young jigit and steppe beauty, first appeared in Russian in 1848.In the first part of the article are considered the versions of prosaic recounts of the story of the poem by Baron U-r, G.N. Potanin. The main attention is paid to the peculiarities of the poetry translation of the Kazakh poem by G.V. Tveritin, M. Tarlovsky and V. Potapova into Russian. The author proves that the translation of G. Tveritin, carried out in the 20th century, is a free translation of the whole poem, written in white verse. According to him, the translation of M. Tarlovsky, who uses kara olen (aabа), keeps not only contents, but also an art originality of the Kazakh epos. V. Potapova, who worked on the translation of «Kozy-Korpesh – Bayan-Sulu» in the fifties of the twentieth century, was able not only to completely recreate in Russian the plot of the poem, but also to convey the peculiarities of the rhythm of the original, its lines, the system of rhymes.The author of the article notes not only the merits, but also the shortcomings of translations. He proves that Tveritin ‘s translation contains many distortions of the poem ‘s plot, Tarlovsky used many Kazakh words with analogues in Russian to convey features of Kazakh poetry speech,аnd Potapova abandoned many epic formulas that give the narrative image.




How to Cite

Bisenkulov, M. K. (2021). History of translations of thelyro-epicpoem «Kozy-Korpesh – Bayan-Sulu» into Russian. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 178(2), 208–214. https://doi.org/10.26577/EJPh.2020.v178.i2.ph28