Thesaurus as a mandatory element in the training of the future specialist


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The article is devoted to the problem of forming a thesaurus of a future specialist. It provides a brief overview of the definitions of the term «thesaurus». The paper emphasizes that in the field of professional training of specialists, modern terminological dictionaries, in particular special thesaurus dictionaries, are of particular relevance. The need to improve the quality of training of the future specialist on the basis of the formation and improvement of his thesaurus as one of the important components of the language personality is emphasized. The authors present an attempt to show that a gradual, systematic and indepth study of major disciplines (in particular, within the framework of postgraduate professional education) in order to form a special dictionary (thesaurus) will contribute to improving the quality of professional training of the future philologist. Examples of disciplines from the updated educational programs in the specialty «Russian Philology» (master’s and doctoral studies) are given for illustration) Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In conclusion, the authors come to the conclusion that for the successful formation of the thesaurus of postgraduate professional education, it is necessary to rely on a wide range of provided disciplines of the educational program in the specialty direction, which will allow more fully forming the content of the professional thesaurus.




How to Cite

Sayakhmet, S. S., & Tumanova, A. B. (2021). Thesaurus as a mandatory element in the training of the future specialist. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 181(1), 127–134.