Thesaurus as a mandatory element in the training of the future specialist


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The article considers the reflection of ethnostereotypes in mass media publications in the language consciousness, the place in the formation of the image of the state. Along with the unity of origin, language, mentality, historical and spiritual values, from the point of view of the spirit of patriotism, in preserving national identity and identifying the whole country with one nation, among the above images, the image of the nation occupies a central place. The positive image of the nation and the state, its place on the world level not only evoke a sense of pride of its people, but also contribute to its internal unity and integrity. The object of the study was negative stereotypes formulated in the publications of specific authors on ethnic topics. A special place of mass media in the promotion of a number of social, economic and cultural indicators that serve the image of the state and the nation is occupied by a sociological survey to study the manifestations in the language consciousness of ethnostereotypes obtained from mass media products. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the questionnaire data obtained from respondents is carried out. As a result of the study, the structure of ethnostereotypes in the language consciousness, cultural and mental features, transience (temporality), mythical features are revealed. Discussion on the content of ethnic stereotypes in the mass media product in social linguistic consciousness is ambiguous. The influence of stereotypes contained in the content of information on ethnic topics, on the image of the state, the consolidation of the nation is formulated.




How to Cite

Taussogarova, A. K., & D. Tuzelbayeva, D. . (2021). Thesaurus as a mandatory element in the training of the future specialist. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 181(1), 135–142.