The feautures of analysis of denotative semes in a literary text


  • G. K. Khassanov М. Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті
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structural linguistics, lexical meaning, linguistic semantics, denotative seme, archesemes, usual and occasional semes, integral and differential semes, systematic and common semes, literary text.


Structural linguistics in which was included structural semantics has set a goal to reveal the peculiar nature of the structure of lexical meaning of the word on material of the different languages. In the middle of XX century in the foreign and Russian linguistics several language schools appeared operating in this sector. The result of these works can be I.A. Sternin`s monograph "The lexical meaning of the word in the speech" - Voronezh, 1985. In Kazakh linguistics as the representatives of linguistic semantics can be called works of N.T. Sauranbaev, G. Musabaev, A. Kaidari, R. Syzdyk, M. Orazov, M.M. Kopylenko, B. Sagyndykuly and others. However, in these works there were extensively researched theoretical issues of linguistic semantics and less attention was paid to the practical part. In particular, the identification of different types of denotative seme on material of literary text. Because of this, many students of philology and translation professions could not reach the level of doing their own analysis of a literary text. In the article there are the linguistic analysis of novels and stories of famous Kazakh writers, such as A. Kekilbayev, M. Magauin, D. Doszhanov, D. Isabekov. This article contains descriptions of the types of denotative seme, such as, archesemes, usual and occasional semes, integral and differential semes, systematic and common semes. Also there is shown the actualization of semes which occur in the monologues, dialogues. Linguistic analysis of the semes on the material of a literary text is accompanied by opinions of leading scientists of linguistic semantics. The article deals with the features of analysis of denotative semes in a literary text.


1 Стернин И.А. Лексическое значение слова в речи. – Воронеж, 1985.
2 Плотников Б.М. Основы семасиологии. – Минск, 1984.
3 Гак В.Г. К проблеме семантической синтагматики. – М., 1971-1972.
4 Кузнецова Э.В. Лексикология русского языка. – Свердловск, 1989.
5 Новиков Л.А. Семантика русского языка. – М.: Высшая школа, 1982.
6 Шмелев Д.Н. Проблемы семантического анализа лексики. – М., Наука, 1973.




How to Cite

Khassanov, G. K. (2015). The feautures of analysis of denotative semes in a literary text. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 144(4). Retrieved from