Effective methods of teaching ethnocultural units



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Cognition of a person is directly related to the environment, nation, state, nature, religion, mentality, national values and national culture, customs and traditions. Consequently, today the search for ethnocultural units in ideological, spiritual, material and cultural values associated with the peculiarities of the historical and social development of each nation, its way of life, traditions is an urgent problem. During a period of rapid spiritual revival, the study of Kazakh national values, including the interpretation of the meaning of ethnocultural names in the language system, in order to determine their initial meaning, how it has changed to this day, what meaning remains today requires deep research. Most ethnocultural units are not often used in modern everyday life, since they are the names of material and spiritual culture. And everyday objects and actions of students in the language fund are limited by the situation. Moreover, it is full of foreign words that have entered the stream of scientific and technological progress. Therefore, each student should be able to understand the meaning of ethno-lexical units, such as oshak, baқyr, aytyak, and be able to distinguish between abdyr and sandyk, besti and dоnen. Therefore, in the Kazakh language lessons, it is necessary to carefully study the optimal methods of teaching ethnographicisms. This is the purpose and relevance of the article




How to Cite

Nazarbekova, A. A. (2021). Effective methods of teaching ethnocultural units. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 182(2), 162–170. https://doi.org/10.26577/EJPh.2021.v182.i2.ph17



Methods of teaching language and literature