Instructions for the first explanatory dictionaries of the kazakh language


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With strong historical foundations of the Kazakh lexicography, the path of its further development will be bright. Undoubtedly, one of the main indicators of the maturity of the national language is the beginning of the creation of explanatory dictionaries in the national language. From this point of view, the study of the history of the formation of explanatory dictionaries in the Kazakh language is one of the most important areas of modern history. Before the formation of explanatory dictionaries, their instructions are compiled. The article will focus on the tools of explanatory dictionaries of 1945 and 1953, which for the first time became academic publications in the Kazakh language. These tools helped to determine the project of an explanatory dictionary and served as a guide in sorting words that will be included in the register. In turn, this contributed to the further development of Kazakh lexicography. In the course of the study, descriptive, comparative, comparative, and analytical methods were used. Each subject in the manual is analyzed individually. 5-6 years after the publication of the “ first book of the planned one-volume explanatory dictionary of the Kazakh language (1959)”, the second book was published two years later (in 1961). It was a two-volume dictionary-in fact, a dictionary of the literary language of that period. The purpose of the dictionary is to comment all the words contained in the main vocabulary of modern Kazakh literary language on the meaning, revealing the meaning of individual words, covering the most frequently used words in the vocabulary. The lexicographic solutions proposed for guidance in the first two tools indicate the level of development of this industry in the country at that time. Kew words: lexicography, explanatory dictionary, structure of the dictionary, purpose of the dictionary, dictionary entry.




How to Cite

Malbakov, M. M., А.А. Seyitbekova А. А., Kobdenova, G. B., & Turgenbayeva, A. S. (2021). Instructions for the first explanatory dictionaries of the kazakh language. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 184(4).