Student multilingual competence formation at a technical university


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The article focuses on the problem of the formation of multilingual competence of engineering students. The concept of “multilingualism”is considered from the standpoint of practical knowledge of one or more foreign languages, if English is the first FL, and German, French, Turkish and Chinese – as the second FL. In the context of the internationalization of professional education and professional activity, the presence of multilingual competence is defined as one of the leading supra-professional competencies of an engineering graduate. The article describes the requirements of the leading international engineering communities for certification and registration of specialists in terms of multilingualism. The article describes the requirements of the leading international engineering communities for certification and registration of specialists from the point of view of multilingualism. The practice of organizing the process of multilingual education in a non-linguistic university is presented by D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University where the main forms and techniques aimed at developing the multilingual competence of students are considered. Key words: multilingualism, language training at the university, level training, language module.




How to Cite

Sarsembayeva, A. A., Nagymzhanova, K. M., & Baimanova, L. S. (2021). Student multilingual competence formation at a technical university. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 184(4).



Methods of teaching language and literature