Translation Studies in Independent Kazakhstan


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The article comprehensively examines the history of the development of Translation Studies in the period of independence, its current problems, achievements and shortcomings. Translation is a complex and interesting art form. Translation is a challenging and responsible task that is not available to everyone. The article provides an overview of the development of Translation Studies as a science over the years of independence, scientific articles in this industry. The contribution of scientists of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University to the Science of Translation is mentioned. Several recommendations for the improvement and development of Translation Studies are given. The statements of the head of state N.A. Nazarbayev about Translation Studies in his speech and articles, scientific works, works of art published after gaining independence are analyzed, information about translators is provided. The article informs that after gaining independence, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University became one of the first higher educational institutions to open the specialty “Translation Studies”, as well as the current state of this specialty. The importance of the proposal to open the “Center for Literary Translation” at the university is indicated. There are many types of translation, however, considering the fact that at the current stage there is no association or community capable of evaluating the quality of translation of works of fiction, its moral value and impact on the reader, we think it would be great to create such a community at a university. Key words: translation, translation studies, original, text, translation units, translation option.




How to Cite

Kazybek, G. K. (2021). Translation Studies in Independent Kazakhstan. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 184(4).