On some peculiarities of the substantive aspects of the "Kozi Korpesh - Bayan sulu" poem written options.


  • N. Dаuletkeldіuly Шинжяң Іле педагогикалық институтының аға оқытушысы, Үрімжі қ.
        164 216


poem "Kozi Korpesh-Bayan sulu", the poem "The World of Love" variability, similarity, written poem, the author's epic,


The article deals with the time and the area of application, the variability of the poem "Kozi Korpesh-Bayan Sulu" and examines one of the 32 kinds of lyric- epic poem known and preserved by Chinese Kazakhs as " World of Love." It also considers genre, plot differences and linguistic characteristics of the epic and provides a complete analysis of embodiment of "World of Love." Epic in its structure is divided into several varieties and tells about the events of antiquity. In ancient Turkic monuments and tombstones epitaphs the brave and heroic feats of tribe heads are immortalized. Social - home poem is about love of young people, in which a large place is given to the description of life, customs and traditions of the people. The most popular is the lyric- epic poem " Kozi Korpesh-Bayan Sulu". In the poem "Kozi Korpesh-Bayan Sulu" all phenomena of everyday life then the Kazakh society portrayed realistically, without much hyperbolic. These examples show that the lyrical epic of modern Türkic peoples in their original forms emerged in the era of early nomads . And it is assumed that in that distant time, it possessed all the characteristic features of the lyrical epic.


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How to Cite

Dаuletkeldіuly N. (2015). On some peculiarities of the substantive aspects of the "Kozi Korpesh - Bayan sulu" poem written options. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 149(3). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/376