Abay and Navoiy: literary consonance in artistic translation



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In this article significance of Great Kazakh poet Abay in Uzbek culture, influence of Uzbek culture founder Navoiy on his formation are considered. Having similar language, literature, culture, history, religion and traditions Kazakh -Uzbek nations have deep roots in literary-cultural relations. Range of these relations is very wide in terms of time and space. Therefore, issues related to topic are analyzed within the article. In presented article beneficial influence of Great Alisher Navoiy on development of creativity of classic of Kazakh literature Abay Kunanbayuly and spiritual relation between fraternal people who lived at different times, literary study of poet’s works translated into Kazakh, Uzbek languages are discussed. Reasons for acquaintance of Uzbek literature lovers with Kazakh literature, their interest in Abay’s work are revealed. Translation of Abay’s works into modern Uzbek is considered as main object. Essence and specifics of literary translation concept are studied. At the same time, conceptual notion of translation designates meaning of words, phrases in speech of particular people, or as a whole of one oral or written text based on vocabulary and another language word form. Given that translation serves as a means of communication, mutual understanding of people and goal of translation is replacing one language with another, rebuilding units of words and structure of speech. At the same time, content of the text and thoughts of author should be left unchanged by translator. To achieve it, text or sentence structure undergoes changes according to second language features translation is done. Therefore, in translation, including artistic translation, to convey idea in original more accurately, possibility of using various techniques is outlined, such as replacing individual words, switching order of words, if necessary, adding words or even excluding some. Key words: Kazakh literature, Uzbek literature, Abay Kunanbayuly, Alisher Navoiy, Kazakh-Uzbek literary connection, translation, literary translation.




How to Cite

Karabayeva, K., & Beisenuly, Z. (2022). Abay and Navoiy: literary consonance in artistic translation. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 185(1). https://doi.org/10.26577/EJPh.2022.v185.i1.ph23