Editsionnye of feature of the dastanny epos


  • Zh. S. Rakysheva М.О. Әуезов атындағы Әдебиет және өнер институты
        21 32


dastanny epos, editsionny textual criticism, original, textual checking


The printing specialty of the dastan epos estimated as a result of comparison of the eastern thematical dastan “Kissa Ziyada, Shaksmurat” printings during soviet union and indepeneтdence periods. There is a statement at the end of the dastan book “Ziyada, Shakhmurat” about last version was send for printing in 1884. But still have argues who has written this statement, the author of the book – Zhakyp Bidjigit or Arip Tanirbergen. The opinion from B.Kenzhebayev, A.Kyraubayeva, B.Erdembekov that the sender is A.Tanirbergenov is needed in deeply monitoring. The article gives some examples with corrected textology, which underlines that, many points of religious believes and description of king’s luxury life were cut out. During soviet years there were many changes in folk text, problems in printing, also spoken speech characteristics were not held on and changed by literal language forms, and the original text were not reserved. And the article states reasons for these problems.


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How to Cite

Rakysheva, Z. S. (2015). Editsionnye of feature of the dastanny epos. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 144(4). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/389