On the polysemantic phenomenon of the general vocabulary of Turkic monuments and languages



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The article analyzes the polysemantic general vocabulary of the Turkic written monuments and Turkic languages, which belong to different lexical-semantic, lexical-grammatical and lexical-thematic groups of the lexical system. The totality of the research history, methods, and methods is called semantic derivation, since the polysemanticity of the vocabulary belongs to semantic categories. We can say that polysemantic vocabulary has such types as: 1) all Turkic monuments and languages, 2) several monuments and languages, and 3) one monument and language; and the most important reason for the phenomenon of polysemanticism is the designation of several objects by one sound complex. The fact that, there are some common words common, which convey different meanings in the Turkic languages, can be explained by each specific national background, and world view. In modern Turkic languages, the main reason why the same word denoted different phenomena or, in contrast, the same phenomenon in different words is that people’s customs, traditions, prejudices, professions, natural and climatic phenomena and conditions vary. However, it is necessary to distinguish kinship words in Turkic languages experimentally. The main reason for the diverse knowledge of one or another Turk group language is due to the specific worldview characteristics of each nation and its representatives, with how different peoples learn about the world objective reality. The worldview includes views, psychological features, logic, tastes, customs, traditions, beliefs, etc. There can be several forms of the same content, the article reveals the nature of polysemantic names that define similar features of one concept.

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How to Cite

Zhalmakhanov, S., & Salkynbay, A. (2022). On the polysemantic phenomenon of the general vocabulary of Turkic monuments and languages. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 186(2). https://doi.org/10.26577/EJPh.2022.v186.i2.05