Complexity of the contents and equality value of a symbol and immanent polysemy.


  • U. Anessova Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        17 29


combined, symbolic meaning, immanentive polysemy, intentional, direct meaning, indirect meaning, trop,


The article is devoted to the combined content of the symbol and its meanings equality. Also here is given immanentive polysemy of symbol. In order to define all given features of symbol comparative analysis of tropes is done. Compound of a symbol dialectically corresponds to its unity - the making maintenance of a symbol isn't identical to themselves, but gives new essence, amalgam of two values (concepts). The immanent polysemy of a symbol means existence in it semantic prospect, chains of values, more and more abstract in process of removal from a reference value, and also impossibility to comprehend its last, main sense. For more understanding above-stated features of a symbol are also investigated. For example, in metonimical symbols appearance of figurative symbolical sense which become its giposemy, correspond intensioanal of a direct sense or to its mostly possible implikation (i.e., to its obligatory or essential signs).


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How to Cite

Anessova, U. (2015). Complexity of the contents and equality value of a symbol and immanent polysemy. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 149(3). Retrieved from