Assessment of students’ intercultural communicative competence based on the IDI (the intercultural development inventory)


  • B. N. Naubay Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби, Казахстан, г. Алматы
  • Zh. Zh. Kuzembekova Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби, Казахстан, г. Алматы
        157 93


This article is devoted to the assessment of the intercultural communicative competence of students in the context of multilingualism. The relevance of the research is due to integrative processes that create a holistic scientific and educational space in our country, as well as form the need for versatile and educated professionals who are able to participate in intercultural communication. For effective communication of representatives of various cultures, there is a need for the formation of intercultural communicative competence of modern students of our country.

The purpose of this article is the scientific substantiation and development of the assessment of intercultural communicative competence of students based on the questionnaire of intercultural development. The analysis of scientific and methodological sources on the subject under study is carried out, the scientific and journalistic works of famous domestic and foreign scientists are considered. To obtain effective results of the study, the following research methods were identified: methods of theoretical general scientific information collection (analysis of scientific material on the topic “Assessment of intercultural communicative competence of students based on the questionnaire of intercultural development IDI”, synthesis, logical analysis, induction and deduction, positions of scientific objectivity and systematization); as well as empirical methods of cognition (experiment and description). The article considers the use of questionnaires, which is an important component of intercultural communicative learning, the practical significance of the research is contained in the fact that the material of this article can be used by teachers of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a more effective assessment of the intercultural communicative competence of students; also, this material may be of interest to students who study the areas of training “Intercultural communication”, “Basic foreign language in the context of intercultural communication” in preparation for practical classes and seminars.




How to Cite

Naubay, B. N., & Kuzembekova, Z. Z. (2023). Assessment of students’ intercultural communicative competence based on the IDI (the intercultural development inventory). Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 190(2), 57–67. Retrieved from