Applying “BBC learning English” podcasts in enriching vocabulary at the A2 level


  • G. T. Yersultanova Казахский национальный женский педагогический университет, Казахстан, г. Алматы
  • Zh. Zhultyrova Казахский Национальный Аграрный Исследовательский Университет, Казахстан, Алматы
  • M. K. Jandildinov 3АО «Жезказганский университет имени О.А. Байконурова», Казахстан, Жезказган
        147 154


Words are what makes language exist. Without the words, no language is an issue. That is why, we thought writing a paper about how to build up vocabulary would be beneficial for language learners. In this research, we investigated if using BBC podcasts are more helpful for learners to learn vocabulary than other ordinary listening materials. Schools make learners focus more on grammar and reading skills, therefore vocabulary skills become marginal. However, how can a learner use a language without knowing enough vocabulary? To figure out how BBC podcasts can be beneficial for learners, we conducted experiments in 126th gymnasium in Almaty and were broken into two groups. One group conducted all the exercises by using BBC podcasts while the other group used book audio files to see if BBC podcasts will show more effect on learners’ vocabulary skills. Both groups conducted pretests to see their level in the beginning. In order to see whether they will have improved or not, pre-test, post-test, questionnaire, and all the practices with BBC podcasts have been used during the internship. The result of the study showed a slight difference between the achievement indicators of the experimental and control groups. The average post-test score (85) in the experimental group was greater than the average post-test score (75.08) in the controlled group..

Keywords: Podcasts, BBC podcasts, mixed-ability teaching, motivation.





How to Cite

Yersultanova, G. T., Zhultyrova, Z., & Jandildinov, M. K. (2023). Applying “BBC learning English” podcasts in enriching vocabulary at the A2 level. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 190(2), 182–196. Retrieved from



Methods of teaching language and literature