The fate of a woman in the novel "Ulpan"


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The article comprehensively examines the image of a woman in the novel "Ulpan" by Gabit Musrepov. The study of the image of a woman always remains one of the most pressing issues. To reveal the female image, the author analyzes national traditions and values in the work. The article notes that the novel raises the problem of women's inequality, which manifests itself in Kazakh customs. In the society of that time, matchmaking, bride kidnapping, tokal, amenger, kalym were factors affecting the position of a woman in the family. It is indicated that the type of marriage affects inheritance after the death of a spouse. In this article, the fate of the Kazakh woman is investigated from the point of view of the wedding tradition, since this tradition exists among all Turkic peoples and even among other peoples of the world. They have a strong influence on women's lives. This study reviewed the material of the Kazakh novel, which is only one of the thousands of works devoted to the topic of marriage and women. Analyzing the actions of Ulpan, the main heroine of the work, the author reveals the wisdom and foresight, patience, and love of Kazakh women for their native land. In the article, the author relies on the translation of the novel "Ulpan" into Turkish. The main conclusions are based on a comparison of the points of view of Turkish scientists about the novel "Ulpan".




How to Cite

Yildiz, N. (2023). The fate of a woman in the novel "Ulpan". Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 190(2), 149–157. Retrieved from