Expressive stylistics: paradigms of alliteration and assonance


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Annotation. The subject of the study of the article is the development of the public social activity of the modern Kazakh language in a cluster, covering various communicative needs, mainly related to the peculiarities of its stylistic and linguistic units. Language plays a particularly important role in society, becoming the main means of communicating a person's mood and feelings. This is because language is not a separate phenomenon that exists outside of man, but a complex structure that defines each other in unity with man.

The purpose of the article is to determine the functional, structural transformation, cumulative, conceptual essence of the expressive stylistics of the Kazakh language in the interweaving of the mental field adapted to national cognition with judgments. In the course of the study, the cognitive theory of philosophy and dialectical logic were guided by theoretical conclusions connecting language and speech in psycholinvistics.

The scientific and practical significance of the work is that language as a historical category is constantly in the process of development, expelling emotions and realizing its true potential. In the speech paradigm, the word is revealed from different angles, combined with expressive function in conveying emotions. Therefore, in the course of the study of this issue, the works of world and domestic scientists who studied the field of expressive Stylistics were taken as a basis.

In the implementation of the goals and objectives of the article, methods of scientific reasoning, diachronic, historical, comparative, synchronous, comparison, description, analysis, modeling were used. It has been studied that the expressive potential of the language is developed by generations of national qualities. A deep study of the expressive stylistic problems of the Kazakh language obliges to reveal the content of the personality of the nation.

As a result of the article, the content, concepts of expressive Stylistics are systematized, the expressive stylistic function, the nature of the sound and lexical units of the Kazakh language are analyzed using specific language data and cited by examples. It was analyzed that alliteration and assonance are widely used in clichéd syntactic structures, proverbs, and everyday everyday communication, based on sound repetitions and as a special way to enhance stylistic expressiveness. It has been found that assonance repetitions, which serve as phonostilistic instruments, add melodiousness to speech and provide opportunities for emotional perception. Alliteration and the stylistic influence of assonance in the text were considered.

Key words: expressive style, alliteration, assonance, phono-stylistics, paremiion, attractant, sound repetition.





How to Cite

Koyanbekova, S. B., Jamambetova А. U., & Utegulova, S. B. (2023). Expressive stylistics: paradigms of alliteration and assonance. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 190(2), 93–101. Retrieved from