Cognitive features of the concept “blue colour” іn the kazakh-turkish languages


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Cognitive features of the concept “blue colour” іn the kazakh-turkish languages


Colour names are link of emotion and situation based on life experience, character of the truth, and tool for knowing the world, fixed in the human mind. In spite of the colour names majority in our language at present, it is quite significant for native language to recognize by colours and distinguish their hues. If we know the colour names, but do noat associate them with a hue in consciousness, these colour names will completely disappear from language use in the course of time. That is, we should not only know the colour names but to use them in our ordinary life.

The paper shows cognitive features of the “blue colour” in the Kazakh-Turkish languages, history of research, similarities and differences. During the study an empirical research was conducted to determine the cognitive characteristics of “blue colour” and develop students’ cognitive functions. The article suggests the studies of Kazakh and Turkish scientists related to “blue colour”. The students of Zhetisu University named after I. Zhansugirov had been surveyed to reveal the picture of “blue colour” in the language used by youth.

In addition, Turkish equivalents of the blue colour in the Kazakh language were given in the form of a table.

Definitions of common tint and hue names were given, and hues with matching and non-matching meanings were defined and shown in the above mentioned table.

According to the results of the research, there are more words in the Kazakh language that express hues, differences in colours than in the Turkish language. The system of colour meanings and symbols is one of the codes that are the basis for the perception of the universe image in traditional cognition. Colour names are considered to be an impressive and beautiful, figurative and vivid word expression necessary to expand the field of linguistic possibilities.




How to Cite

Tlegenova, G., Shukenai, G., Demirai, E., & Yertyaeva, P. (2023). Cognitive features of the concept “blue colour” іn the kazakh-turkish languages . Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 192(4), 107–117.