Linguistic personality of the scientist, public figure Myrzatai Zholdasbekov


  • G. Yeskermessova Казахский национальный женский педагогический университет, Казахстан, г. Алматы
  • J. Otarbekova Казахский национальный женский педагогический университет, Казахстан, г. Алматы
  • S. Esimkulova Казахский национальный женский педагогический университет, Казахстан, г. Алматы
  • K. Nagimetova Казахский национальный женский педагогический университет, Казахстан, г. Алматы

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Linguistic personality of the scientist, public figure Myrzatai Zholdasbekov


Undoubtedly, in order to identify the language personality of the writer, it is necessary to create a frequency dictionary of the language of the writer's works, consider the lexical layer, the conceptual system, and the potential for the pragmatic use of the word. To determine the language personality of the writer, scientist and statesman Myrzatay Zholdasbekov, a frequency dictionary of the work “Kunderimnім kuasі (The Witness of My days)” was created, written in the diary genre, as a result of which high-frequency words such as Kazakh, I, we, country, person, well, President, need, earth, religion, life were identified.

Against the background of the lexical layer, the words expressing kin relations, socio-political vocabulary, words that are used in school, in science, which are used in the diary a lot, we learn about the author, a well-known public figure, caring relative, friend, brother, aksakal, a teacher and scientist who made a great contribution to the education and science of our country, since the diary is the history, fate, experiences and feelings of a certain person.

The conceptual nature of the words most often used by the writer was revealed, Kazakh, I, need, the conceptual fields of these words are defined.

Based on such linguistic statistics, it was proved how to answer the question “Who is M. Zholdasbekov?” Having studied the language persnality of the writer through his works, we were able to identify him as a person who loves his nation, an idividual, patriot, statesman.

Keywords: linguistic personality, concept, statolinguistics, usage, frequency, diary genre.




How to Cite

Yeskermessova, G., Otarbekova, J., Esimkulova, S., & Nagimetova, K. (2023). Linguistic personality of the scientist, public figure Myrzatai Zholdasbekov. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 192(4), 96–106.