Artistic and educational features of texts in textbooks of Beyimbet Maylin


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One of the aspects of the activity of Beyimbet Mailin, who published about 60 books in his life, is his methodological and pedagogical side, which is not properly investigated. The name of B.Mailin, who published articles in publications such as "Kazakh", "Aikap" and "Enbekshi Kazakh", was known as a writer and publicist. Since 1929, he actively participated in the campaign to eradicate illiteracy, and in this direction he made a lot of efforts.. Texts and tasks, questions in study guides reflect the style of Mailin's pen. The internal content of the tutorials created by Mailin's pen can be divided into three parts. These are: Teaching the alphabet; Literary texts and Arithmetic. Among them, even some textbooks are built on entire literary texts. That is, Maylin used literary texts for educational purposes.. Both the style of writing and the coils of thought, as well as the inner purpose of his works, contribute to the desire to learn, discover and innovate. To understand the compositional integrity of a literary text, the unity of content and form, the subtleties that give rise to this whole, it will be necessary to study the whole living organism and conduct an individual analysis in order to come to the desired final opinion. It is necessary to determine its place and role in the structure that creates the "integrity" of a work of art. In order to understand the meaning of the whole, it is necessary to clarify its constituent parts. In fact, analysis means learning to mentally break the whole into parts in order to understand it. Because without analysis and clarification, it is impossible to fully understand and evaluate the synthesis. In literary texts in B. Mailin's study guides, every detail, visual means, word order, logical accent, weight in poetic works, rhyme have their place and role. Sometimes more space is given to explain minor issues than the main one, and you can see the details that the author used to better understand the whole. Sometimes, ignoring the pearl that lies in the depths of our history, we continue to strive for other things as "modern". We believe that it is necessary to once again review the jewels left by our outstanding personalities who gave their lives for the Kazakh people.




How to Cite

Turgunov, Y., Koch, K., & Abitova, Z. (2023). Artistic and educational features of texts in textbooks of Beyimbet Maylin. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 192(4), 41–49.