The trends in academic majors affecting the development of sport ballroom dancing educator


  • M. R. Aldabergenova Казахская национальная академия искусств имени Т. Жургенова, г. Алматы
        18 16


academic majors, Empiric methods, concept, choreography educator,


The article examines the issue of majors affecting the development of sport ballroom dancing educator. Empiric methods were used in order to obtain hard facts on the subject of the research: interview with the leading specialists in the field of sport ballroom dancing education; monitoring the students in the course of studies at the department of «Choreography Studies» at Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov. In order to achieve the all round subject coverage, we discovered and proved the studying relevancy concept for such majors as: «The History of sport ballroom dancing in domestic and foreign regions», «The Heritage of ballroom choreography», «Ensemble», «Theories and principles of Kazakh dancing education», «Theories and principles of modern choreography education», «Dances of the world nations». Studying of the majors is an effective way for the preparation of sport ballroom dancing choreography educator.


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How to Cite

Aldabergenova, M. R. (2015). The trends in academic majors affecting the development of sport ballroom dancing educator. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 147(1). Retrieved from