About the peculiarities of kazakh political linguistics and political leadership



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The article considers and puts forward the opinion that Kazakh political linguistics has its own history of formation, separate from other countries. This is due to the fact that political linguistics is a hybrid branch of linguistics, which is formed from the merger of several fields of science, forming gradually. Especially political linguistics is an area that is clearly recognizable when considering the history of the country, the development of society, and statehood. Therefore, for the first time, the periodization of the linguistic competencies of statesmen, political figures associated with the history and society of the Kazakh people was carried out. The article contains linguistic facts on the content, functions, semantics of the words politics, political, politician, state and nominations formed in combinations of these words with other words. The sources of examples are periodicals of a socio-political orientation and magazines. The article also partially examines the trend of nominating these words. The article provides information on the politicization of the meaning of the words leader, leadership and the concept of a political leader and its types, the competence of a political leader in language and speech activities. The analysis of the competencies of individuals correlates with the social status of a person. The article also raises the issue of sectoral methods of political linguistics. There is information about how the basic concepts and words of political linguistics are codified in the literary language, and examples are given.

Key words: Political linguistics, newspaper genres, main article, political leadership, parameters of leadership definition, competence of a political leader, communicative personality.

Author Biographies

B. Mamynova, A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics, Kazakhstan, Almaty

Mamynova Bagdan - Doctor of Philology, Professor, A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics (Almaty, Kazakhstan, e-mail: omynova_b@mail.ru);

U. Anessova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty

PhD, Senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakh Linguistics named after A.Baitursynula


How to Cite

Mamynova Б., & Anessova У. (2025). About the peculiarities of kazakh political linguistics and political leadership. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 196(4), 99–110. https://doi.org/10.26577/EJPh.2024.v196.i4.ph9