Patriotism and heroism


  • Z. Seitzhanov әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        18 13


historical eposes, characters, about patriotism and heroism, to preserve the unity of the people


The article discusses the historical eposes of the Kazakh people. They are a priceless heritage, which is bringing up at young generation a sense of patriotism for the motherland. In this regard the main idea of historical eposes ("Brave Yesim", "Abylai Khan", "KarakereyKabanbaibatyr ,"Bogenbaibatyr" , "ShakshakJanibekbatyr", "Raiymbekbatyr", "Brave Zhanibek", "Olzhabaybatyr", "Utegenbatyr", "Isatai and Makhambet", " Dosanbatyr ", "Suranshybatyr","Beketbatyr", "Kenesary and Nauryzbai", "Zhankozhabatyr", "Arkalykbatyr", "Brave Azhibai" etc.) consists in protection of the people against enemies aggressors and unity preservation. Batyrs of historical eposes (Brave Yesim, Tolebi, Kabanbai, Bogenbaibatyr, Abylai ,ShakshakZhanibek , Raiymbek, Olzhabay, Brave Zhanibek, Barak, Azhibai etc.) are the men of courage, who hadn’t known a sense of fear. In eposes it is toldnot only about their battles and horses, but alsoappearance of batyrs was described as an example for imitation. In such way an idea of people of patriotism and heroism was unfolded. Along with portrait description of batyrs, their human qualities were not alsomissed. Khans also act as the main characters of the eposes. A fair Khan is happiness for people. If he united people, having kept their unity, it is a merit of Khan. Khans above-mentioned eposesare the persons who put interests of the people above everything and were remembered by good deeds. Therefore, their acts are praised and truthfully described in the eposes.


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3 Қанжығалы қарт Бөгенбайдың жорығы. – Алматы, 2005. – 29 б.
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8 Жыр – керуен (құраст: Т. Әлібек). – Алматы, 2004. – 366 б.
9 Қаракерей Қабанбай батыр. – Алматы, 1991. – 176 б.
10 Қасқабасов С. Қазақтың халық прозасы. – Алматы, 1984. – 272 б.




How to Cite

Seitzhanov, Z. (2015). Patriotism and heroism. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 145(5,6). Retrieved from