Rashidaddin’s Oghuzname: Oral Tradition and the Author’s Text.


  • A. Askerov Национальная академия наук Азербайджана, г. Баку
        17 13


Rashidaddin ozmag, Oghuzname, Bulja, rhythmical-syntactic parallelism,


The text known as Rashidaddin’s Oghuzname existed in the eposes form in oral tradition. Ozans (bards) performed these eposes accompanied by lute among the nomadic tribes. But Rashidaddin and the other medieval authors who coordinate literary value but in their historic context. From this point of view while writing Oghuzname they dealt with the Oghuz history. That’s why the Oghuzname texts in the works of Rashidaddin and other authors lost their literary features. If we don’t take into consideration some additional elements of rhythmical-syntactic parallelism which are the form of the poetry of Oghuzname, some features belonging to the archaic epic are completely lost. Rashidaddin paid special attention to the historic context of epo without paying attention to the literary features of Oghuzname. There are some factors that come from the epos, these are dialogues and the speech of the heroes.


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How to Cite

Askerov, A. (2015). Rashidaddin’s Oghuzname: Oral Tradition and the Author’s Text. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 150(4-5). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/560