Word Formation and its Development in Arab Linguistics in Medeieval Ages


  • G. Y. Mahmudova Baku State University, Baku
        21 16


word formation, linguistics, Arabic language, term,


Collection of synonyms and preparation of synonym dictionaries became widespread among Arab linguists, at least partially as a result of the prominent medieval Arab linguist Al-Asmai proposing a different definition of synonyms. The linguists gradually started to compile synonym units covering a wide range of natural objects and man-made products and producing dictionaries of synonyms under the titles. It is interesting that various sources include references to instances where the authors of such works sometimes went to the extreme, bringing the number of synonymous words expressing identical or similar meaning to a hundred, sometimes even to a thousand words. It is necessary to mention that the Arab linguists studied as well questions of word formations closely connected with the subject – emergence of collections and dictionaries of synonyms, history of similar works and stages of development. The author doesn't avoid also this subject, offering some curious facts connected with collecting words synonyms and the emergence of the first systematic works in this direction.


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How to Cite

Mahmudova, G. Y. (2015). Word Formation and its Development in Arab Linguistics in Medeieval Ages. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 150(4-5). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/577