Verbalization of the category of deprivation: criteria of restriction


  • А. S. Bohanova Казахский национальный университет им. Абая
        29 42


сategory of deprivation, verbalization, categorical feature, logical negation, language negation.


This article is devoted to the one of the most complex problems of modern functional grammar, that is of the problem of defining the status and whole of language units with the common semantics of non-possession. This problem designated in linguistic sources remains unlit to this day. Attempt to investigate problem connected with the expression of depravity in language occurs rather up-to-date. The article touches the history of the problem, including works of Vyach. Vs. Ivanov, who was the first who denotes this whole of language units as category. There is defined the status of the category of depravity as semantic category, and also the circle of lexical units which compose functional and semantic field corresponding to this category. As could be seen from presented factual data is economic discourse, that is important because the sphere of economy is dynamic enough and much in it depends on the level of depravity.


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How to Cite

Bohanova А. S. (2015). Verbalization of the category of deprivation: criteria of restriction. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 141(1-2). Retrieved from