Addicting kinds of tropes in language works "Kutadgu Bilik" J. Balasaguni.


  • Z. Dauletiyarova Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті
        22 95


value types of trails, metaphor, simile, metonymy, epithet,


This article discusses types of trails found in the average century Turkic medium socio- historical, spiritual and cultural beliefs in the product J. Balasaguni " Kutadgu Bilik ." In a complex scientific analyzes language systems artistic culture of the Middle Ages. Submitted semantic characterization and use of metaphors, the epithet, metonymy and comparison in language works " Kutadgu Bilik." Reveals the wealth of the vocabulary of the Kazakh language by comparing the facts in a work of J. Balasaguni " Kutadgu Bilik ." Disclosed language features worldview Turks Middle Ages by defining types of trails in the language of work " Kutadgu Bilik " Zh.Balasaguni. Defined artistic consciousness Turks Middle Ages, by introducing philosophical thinking, wise sayings pictorial means - a metaphor, simile, metonymy, epithets. Ancient beginnings of linguistic features of the Kazakh language in «Kutadgu Bilik " different novelty and gives a lot of interesting materials. Work " Kudtagu Bilik" focuses on the artistic consciousness, especially poetic, philosophical thinking of the era.


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How to Cite

Dauletiyarova, Z. (2015). Addicting kinds of tropes in language works "Kutadgu Bilik" J. Balasaguni. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 147(1). Retrieved from