Pragmatic aspect of political discourse.


  • K. Kenzhekanova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
        45 16


discourse, political discourse, pragmatics, addresser, addressee, pragmatic potential,


The article is devoted to pragmatic aspect of political discourse. The problem of discourse is considered from the point of view of anthropocentric approach which assumes intercommunication between the addresser and the addressee and the impact on the addressee in pragmatic level. The formation of the ability of communicative influence of discourse and opinion of the addressee, i.e. the ability of purposeful influence is also the pragmatic aspect of political discourse or pragmatic potential of political discourse. The analysis of political discourse in terms of the pragmatic approach needs to take into account the intention and purpose of the participants and communicators. In other words, understanding discourse means understanding the author’s ideas. In turn, the addresser uses a variety of techniques and linguistic signs to make speech work bright and impressive. According to our observations, if political discourse shows the political view of society and ideology, whereas its pragmatics shows that the usage of speech patterns of linguistic communication directly influence the intentions and purpose of the addresser.


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How to Cite

Kenzhekanova, K. (2015). Pragmatic aspect of political discourse. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 150(4-5). Retrieved from