Magzhan-outstanding poet.


  • G. Karimova Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті


Kazakh literature, poetry, Magzhan`s poetry,


Magzhan is a famous writer, poet, writer of political essays, one of the Kazakh literature founders. Magzhan`s works are characterized by sense of responsibility before people passed through epoch of historical changes. From that very time Magzhan took a great interest in symbolism and technocracy of Shakespear, Pushkin, Solovyov and also universal artistic and scientific heritage of Spengler preceded times. Such reached our epoch trend as existentialism was expressed in poet`s works. So, Magzhan is not only a lyricist but also a patriot and a civil poet. According to author, great Abay`s deep secrets, mysteriousness, lyricism and philosophy are typical also to Magzhan`s poetry. He loved his Motherland and his nation so much. If Magzhan lived in our time how he would glorify our independence in his works! Undoubtedly nobody could be compared with him in it. This article`s resume is that Magzhan is an outstanding poet, bright star of world poetry, unique personality, His strong will, inflaming hearts voice of his soul, creative search and innovation lead XXth century Kazakh literature to European and Russian level.


1 Мағжан Жұмабаев. Шығармалары. – Алматы: Жазушы, 1989.
2 Əуезов М. Жиырма томдық шығармалар жинағы. ХХ том. – Алматы, 1985.
3 Аймауытов Ж., Əуезов М. Абайдан соңғы ақындар // Абай журналы, 1992. – № 2.
4 Ш. Елеукенов. Мағжан мен Мұхтар // Жұлдыз, 1997. – № 10.



How to Cite

Karimova, G. (2015). Magzhan-outstanding poet. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 147(1). Retrieved from