Artistic principles of narrative in contemporary Kazakh prose.


  • A. Abdulina Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
        28 23


kazakh literature, style, principles, novel, text, image, author, language, vocabulary, the art world, the specificity,


In the article « Artistic principles of narrative in modern Kazakh prose» outlined a set of principles of artistic organization of the text in the novelistic genre of modern literature of Kazakhstan. On the novels by A. Kekilbaev «End of story», «Pleiades – Constellation of Hope» and R. Seysenbaev «Lost cry,» «Night Voices» author investigated the main components of style writers, which allows to know the specifics of creativity and attitude, philosophical views and spiritual dominant personality masters of the word. Investigated the problem of the art world as a system of universal images imaginary reality, embodied in the text of the works of Kazakh writers of the late twentieth – early twenty-first centuries, researched poetics and specificity of formation of modern novels in which there is development of new principles of expression, contributing to a more complete perception of artistic expression. And tracked together the line of the traditional narrative beginning, the mortgaged classics of Kazakh literature, marked by new trends in the first place, it concerns the expansion of the language range, thematic content and ideological and artistic conceptualization, which affected the issues and aesthetic essence of Kazakh novelistic prose. Particular attention is paid to textual analysis, is a collection of citations, argues the theoretical observations of the author of the study.


1 Кекильбаев А. Конец легенды. – М.: Художественная литература,
1983. – 225 c.
2 Кекильбаев А. Плеяды – созвездие надежды.– Алма-Ата: Жалын,
1987. – 213 c.
3 Сейсенбаев Р. Заблудившийся крик (Трон сатаны).– М., 1990. – 314 c.
4 Сейсенбаев Р. Ночные голоса.– Алматы, 1990. – 132 c.
5 Ахметов З. А. Современное развитие и традиции казахской
литературы. – Алма- Ата: Наука, 1978. – 110 c.
6 Сулейменов О. Нетерпение // Сейсенбаев Р. Возвращение Казыбека.
– Алма-Ата: Жалын,1984. – C. 3-7.




How to Cite

Abdulina, A. (2015). Artistic principles of narrative in contemporary Kazakh prose. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 152(6). Retrieved from