Oriental version of the epos «Khosrow and Shirin».


  • P. Bissenbaev Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
        74 38


dastan, romanticism, aesthetics, poem, idea, genre, form, image,


The main attention in the article is given to the genre plot nature of variants of dastan «Hosrov and Shyryn», written in Turkic and Persian languages. Developing the central theme of the Nizami’s poem «Hosrov and Shyryn», Kutba, Amir Hosrov, Navoi paid special attention to the importance of changing this text for the creation by east classical poets of the genre of «hamsa», they laid the biographic basis of masters of verbal art as the foundation for their works, and enriched them with documentary material. Both the historic-philosophical and political role of dastan doesn’t remain unaddressed. Bringing up questions of promoting the models of this work among the Turkic people, their ideological contents, author’s outlook, the author touches upon the important problems of poetic tradition, formation of poetic schools by poets Navoi and Nizami. Scientists-folklorists know a lot of materials relevant to the oral versions of the poems of A. Navoi in the Uzbek language. The plot and genre nature of these versions were repeatedly mentioned by Zhirmunsky and Zarifov in their research. A. Navoi`s dastan «Farkhad and Shyryn» is performed by Kazakh akyns as well. The author of the present article acquaints readers with the versions found in Tashkent.


1 Зайончковский А. Старейшая тюркская версия поэмы «Хосров-
у-Ширин » Кутба. – Прага,1956.
2 Әдеби жәдігерлер. 16 том. – Алматы, 2012.
3 Бертельс Е.Э. Избранные труды. Новои и Джами.– М., 1965.
4 Фархад- Шырын. Эпос. – Ташкент:Фан баспасы,2003.


How to Cite

Bissenbaev, P. (2015). Oriental version of the epos «Khosrow and Shirin». Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 152(6). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/795