Formation of the communicative competence of future teachers philologist


  • N. Omirserikova Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет, г. Алматы
        23 48


competence, ability, professional philologist, communicative competence expert philologist,


In this article discusses the ways of formation of communicative competence of future teachers philologist, and describes their qualitative indicators and levels of formation. Article scientifically analyzed and disclosed the essential characteristics of the concepts: competence, competence and skill. However, describes the applicability of these terms in the education system. Analyzing types of competencies, in particular, we consider the communicative competence and ways of its formation.Considering the need to systematize the conditions of formation of communicative competence of the future expert philologist, propose ways to implement them. Teacher before, to form the students communicative competence should improve their communicative competence. Communicative competence is manifested in the course of its implementation in the process of working with colleagues, uchaschiemisya, school community, parents and teachers, which are indicators: Maturity of scientific knowledge about communicative competence, application of this knowledge in practice, Maturity of their attitude towards their activities, the ability to communicate in a joint activities with people in the work, and mutual understanding, pedagogical tact and communication style.


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How to Cite

Omirserikova, N. (2015). Formation of the communicative competence of future teachers philologist. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 147(1). Retrieved from