Literary translation.


  • G. K. Kazybek Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
        40 27


literary translation, translation, перевод, translation studies, master of the art video, original, reader, perception of translation,


One of the difficult branches in translating science is the artistic composition. The author of the article compares theories of translation in Russian and Kazakh languages and defines functions inherent to translators. The article is based on the literary heritage of the great Kazakh enlighteners that brought a large contribution to science dealing with translation: I.Altynsarin, А.Kunanbajev. At the beginning of the twentieth century S.Тoraigyrov, M.Seralin and S.Donentaev also brought a large contribution to the development of translation studies. In the main section of the article the author considers problems connected with translation and peculiarities of conveying national and cultural characteristics of the original source into another language. The aim of translation is to present the reader the meaning of the source text, and to give the right direction for learning other languages. When the meaning of the original source is maintained, the work of fiction becomes the spiritual value of people representing the target language.


1 Гете. Собрание сочинений в десяти томах. – Том 1. Художественная
литература. – М., 1975. – 528 с.
2 Абай. Стихи. – Алматы: Ғылым,1995. – 207 c.
3 Торайгыров С. Избранное [переводы] / Торайгыров Султанмахмут;
предисл. З. Ахметова.– Алма-Ата: Казгослитиздат,1958. – 166 с.
4 Левый И. Искусство перевода. – М.: Прогресс, 1974. – 395с.
5 Нечкина М.В. Функция художественного образа в историческом
процессе. – М.: Наука,1982. – 321 с.
6 Сагандыкова Н.Ж. Основы хужожественного перевода.– Алматы:
Санат,1996. – 208 с.




How to Cite

Kazybek, G. K. (2015). Literary translation. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 152(6). Retrieved from