Relictual toponyms in the naming process of South Kazakhstan region.


  • Zh. A. Ismailova Қ.А. Ясауи атындағы халықаралық қазақ-түрік университеті, Түркістан қ.
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linguistic signs, names of areas, ancient relics, toponymic system, etymology, oikonymic names, Turkic names,


It is known that the origin, historical development and the process of naming places and bodies of water are very closely related to the environment, as well as with various socio-historical changes in society. In this connection, for full disclosure of lexical meaning and etymology of the names of territorial and water bodies, we need data from many areas of knowledge and science. This issue obviously requires its careful analysis and study. It should be noted that this area of science is of great importance in the study of Turkic issues. The process of naming places and bodies of water provided huge difference in the origin of various folk legends, fairy tales, epics and myths. Thus, we can confidently assert that toponymy is directly related to folklore. With the development of society place names of water bodies could be subject to change. Place-names of South Kazakhstan region are very ancient relics and require a comprehensive study. South Kazakhstan region is famous not only by the development of sheep breeding, cotton and grain industry, but also for historical monuments of culture and art, and its long history of development. An invaluable asset of Kazahstan South region is the ancient stone inscriptions which today have become our national pride. In this article the author gives interesting materials and detailed facts on the study of the history of the names of places and bodies of water in South Kazakhstan region. The article also focuses on the research of scientists on the facts connected with changes in the names of places and bodies of water in different historical periods of the people.


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How to Cite

Ismailova, Z. A. (2015). Relictual toponyms in the naming process of South Kazakhstan region. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 152(6). Retrieved from