M.F. Akhundzadeh and it’s woman images system


  • A. Я. Азимовa BSU
        23 11

Кілттік сөздер:

Azerbaijan literature, Oguz woman, muslim woman, playwright, tradition


In the article facing with such ignorance odoured mysery laws muslim women’s playces in society her confronted rightlessness, violents, temporary wedlock distroying many muslim women’s lives, forced marriages, forced marriges of underage women with old men etc. and  reflection of these in our literary literature  had been researched. Simultaneously opportunities like women value in islam religion, women rights its possesing equal right with men etc. had been spoken in the research. Also ancient turkish women’s heroism, knight, had been researched in the article. In research paper founder of Azerbaijan playwrighting famous playwright, writer M.F Akhundzadeh’s creation muslim woman’s life, their faced violonce, victims of ignorance and uneducation muslim women’s lives try to enlighten. Simultaneously, playwright tried to show muslim women’s defects in their world sight, ignorance uneducatedness, called them to education and culture. Akhunzadeh skillfully using the type to speak own language style, recovered their defects. In this research simultaneously, touched the opportunities like muslim women’s pure love, her faithfullness to her spouse, lover, conserning for her pare, being upset etc.

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

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4 4. Ахундов М.Ф. Художественные и философские произведения. – Бaку: Писaтель, 1987. – 356 с.
5 5. Алимирзaев Х. Мир идеaлa и творчествa М.Ф. Ахундовa. – Бaку: Нурлaн, 2007. – 226 с.
6 6. Кaрaев Я. История вблизи и издaли. – Бaку: Сaбaх, 1996. – 710 с.

1 1. History of Azerbaijan literature of the XIX century. – Baku: Education, 1996. – 483 p.
2 2. The history of Azerbaijan literature in 6 volumes. – Volume 1. – Baku: Science, 2004. – 760 p.
3 3. The epic «The Book of Dede Korkut». – Baku, 2004. – 365 p.
4 4. Akhundov M.F. Artistic and philosophical works. – Baku: Writer, 1987. – 356 p.
5 5. Alimirzaev H. ideal world and creativity MF Akhundov. – Baku: Nurlan, 2007. – 226 p.
6 6. Karaev Ya history near and afar. – Baku: Sabah, 1996. – 710 p.


Как цитировать

Азимовa A. Я. (2016). M.F. Akhundzadeh and it’s woman images system. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы, 161(3). вилучено із https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1950


