The use of associative connection sinmental and speech activities


  • Yu.K Amanbaeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Almaty, Kazakhstan
        19 11


This article discusses a certain system of knowledge that updates with new information; their integration into the existing system is one of the main issues of teaching students the language and speech. Use of associative communications at interpretation of the text makes sense when it is demanded to make not only cogitative, but also speech actions with language material. Especially it concerns productive types of speech activity. 4 types of associations are allocated, each of which corresponds to a certain group of the tasks united in one system. Unit of cerebration and the simplest element of knowledge are associations in their polytypic manifestations: local, part-systematic, intrasystem and intersystem.




Как цитировать

Amanbaeva, Y. (2018). The use of associative connection sinmental and speech activities. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы, 166(2), 266–269. вилучено із



Методика преподавания языка и литературы