Қазақ мәдениетіндегі «сән» ұғымының қалыптасуы мен дамуының этномәдени сипаты
The ethnocultural description of the formation and development of the concept of «fashion» in Kazakh culture is presented in the article. It is traced how the concept of «fashion» is revealed in ethnolinguisms representing the ethnic originality of the Kazakh people.In the course of research of the diachronic
and synchronous state of the study of the concept of «fashion» in Kazakh culture, the author makes an
attempt to conduct an experiment in public environment, the results of which have been analyzed and
described in this article. From the scientific point of view, it is evidenced and described how the concept of «fashion» evolved parallel with the formation and development of the ethnos and found its direct
reflection in words and deeds, in appearance and character,in culture and behavior,as well as in products and household items the names of which are embodied in ethnolinguismsexposed to changes in
the process of intergenerational transmission.Particular attention is paid to the influence of the concept
of «fashion» on different manifestations of Kazakh culture: a nomadic way of life, a spatial image of the
world, an ancient religious and cultural worldview that is reflected in the cognitive sphere. In the process
of questioning, it is revealed that ethno-cultural names related to Kazakh folk craft became a passive
reserve, and now their meanings have become distorted.
Key words: fashion, customsandtraditions, ethnolingu