Университетте әңгіме жанрын оқуға арналған интерактивті әдістер (Б. Қанапияновтың шығармашылығы негізінде)



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The purpose of this article is to present and justify the application of the method of interactive study of the genre of the story in the university audience. This article proposes various interactive teaching methods and ways of studying the stories of the famous Kazakh writer Bakhytzhan Kanapyanov in Russian literature classes. The author of the article argues that the consistent use of interactive methodological techniques is necessary for a successful analysis of the genre of the story, improving the skills of parsing small epic prose. The use of elements and means of interactive learning (heuristic conversation, problem questions, educational dialogue, group work, discussion) is necessary for a deep study of the genre nature and poetics of the story as an epic work. The implementation of analysis following the author (a holistic way of analysis) in the study of the genre of the story is an effective form of analysis of short fiction. In order to successfully analyze stories, it makes sense to combine the methods of creative reading, heuristic and research. All these methods of teaching literature were effectively used to analyze the stories of B. Kanapyanov at the university. When studying stories, it is proposed to focus on the analysis of their genre content, taking into account belonging to a certain creative method. The use of interactive teaching methods determines the successful implementation of the literary and methodological scenario of a practical lesson in Russian literature. Interactive learning contributes to the development of students’ independence, their formation as subjects of the educational and cognitive process.


Как цитировать

Bayanbayeva, A. A., & Demshenko, A. (2022). Университетте әңгіме жанрын оқуға арналған интерактивті әдістер (Б. Қанапияновтың шығармашылығы негізінде). ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы, 186(2). https://doi.org/10.26577/EJPh.2022.v186.i2.021



Методика преподавания языка и литературы