Profound learning of the State language through application of innovation technology


  • G. А. Muldagalyeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Zh. P. Kasymova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        15 13


innovation, grammar, vocabulary, practice, game, antonym, synonym, homonym, spelling, text dictionary


Application of innovative technologies in-depth learning of the state
language. The main goal of teaching the discipline «Kazakh language» as
a foreign language to foreign students studying at the Faculty of pre-university
education is the development of communicative competence, the
ability to use the Kazakh language in oral and written forms. This article
states the effective usage of grammatical and lexical materials, as well as
the game teaching techniques in teaching the Kazakh language. The application
of these techniques stimulate the interest of foreign students to
study the Kazakh language, improves the quality of learning ability, creativity
of students, and also forms the scientific viewpoint of the student.
Introduction of innovative teaching methods develop communicative skills
and logical thinking ability, and most importantly, expands vocabulary and
increases the culture of speech and the ability to convey the desired information.
The main feature of the modular technology is the fact that this
technology provides not only knowledge on the subject, but also broadens
the outlook and viewpoint of students, increases their perception skills and
creativity, thereby enriching their vocabulary and increasing the interest in
speaking the foreign language.


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How to Cite

Muldagalyeva G. А., & Kasymova, Z. P. (2016). Profound learning of the State language through application of innovation technology. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 155(3). Retrieved from