Ethno-Linguistic Character of Phraseologisms Related to the Custom of Saints and Holy Sites Worshippping


  • G. К. Rysbayeva Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті
        28 16


saints, holy sites, worshipping of holy sites, custom, the prophet, angel, heavenly maiden.


The article deals with the Turkic people fetish related to the custom of worshipping the saints, holy sites, forces of nature, idolisation of certain things and honoring of sacred trees. The ethno-linguitsic nature of cult phraseologisms «paigumpar, perіshte, hor kyzy» (prophet, angel, heavenly maiden) has been explored.
There are a lot of sites bearing the name «Auliye» (Saint). In the city of Sairam there are dozens of holy (auliye) sites. The holy site called «Sunsyz bup» is the burial place of theologians of the end of the XIth century and the beginning of the XIIth century AD. Such phrases as auliye bolsa, auliye tutty, kіmnen auliye edі, auliyeden auliye koimady, auliyeghe syinu, auliyeghe tunedі, auliye-anbi, auliye ata, auliyesu, auliyeden surau, auliye agashka shykty, auliye aldynda, auliyeshіlіk, auliyelі and etc. appeared in connection with the cult of saints. Alongside with this, the usage of phraseologisms that came into being with the words «paigumpar, perіshte, hor kyzy» (prophet, angel, heavenly maiden) has been analyzed.


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How to Cite

Rysbayeva G. К. (2016). Ethno-Linguistic Character of Phraseologisms Related to the Custom of Saints and Holy Sites Worshippping. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from