Some aspects of the preparation of the future teacher of Kazakh dance choreographer


  • А. Moldakhmetova Т. Жүргенов атындағы Қазақ ұлттық өнер академиясы
        55 10


education, dance, dance moves, pedagogy, teaching methodology, philosophy, theoretical knowledge.


In this article deals with some aspects of preparing choreographerteachers of the Kazakh Dance discipline. It says the problems lack in methods of traditional forms of teaching a lesson National Dance. For example, item «syilyk» and movements of hands in Kazakh dance «aynalma», opens the semantics in dance lexis, and gives the picture of reflection of philosophical thought of ancient nomads which passed through the language of a national dance. Examples which given below some aspects that discussed in the article come like an integral part of high-capacity, high-grade and successful training of teachers Kazakh dance. Wide-open the system of theoretical knowledge about the origin of the dance movements, which used as a base to provide a significant impact on the formation of the teacher-choreographer on the Kazakh dance, which promoting the developments of psycho-pedagogical and methodological skills and enrichments the philosophy of a student. The questions which discussed in this article aimed at preserving and promoting the heritage of dance, spiritual moral and aesthetic education of the individual, as well as implementation of innovative methods in the teaching of the Kazakh dance


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How to Cite

Moldakhmetova А. (2016). Some aspects of the preparation of the future teacher of Kazakh dance choreographer. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 157(5). Retrieved from