Research in Artistic Texts Pragmatics in Corpus Linguistics


  • А. К. Kozhahmetova А.Байтұрсынұлы атындағы Тіл білімі институты
        97 45


computer, corpus linguistics, corpus, text, pragmatics.


At present, the growing development of informational technologies gave rise to new directions in the sphere of linguistics. One of these directions in linguistics, in the frameworks of applied linguistics, is Corpus Linguistics. «Corpus» is informational and referential system based on collecting texts in electronic format. Corpus is firstly designed for carrying out scholarly research in the spheres of lexis and grammar of language as well as revealing not explicitly reflected changes in language in the process of its development during relatively small periods of time – from one to two centuries. The other goal of Corpus is providing necessary information related to such spheres of language as lexis, grammar, accent study, history of language etc. The texts of different genres such as of fiction, informative, scientific and technical contents etc. are put into Corpus. Semantic analysis of text, thus, is carried out by computer programs. The modern software in computer technologies in many regards simplifies and accelerates operations of linguistic processing of the texts of small and big quantitatively and qualitatively sizes. Processes of globalization in the field of science and informational technologies, as well as Internet, remarkably contributed in the modern development of linguistics. 


1 1.Жұбанов Қ. Қазақ тілі жөніндегі зерттеулер. – Алматы, 2010, – 148 б.
2 2.Шалабаев Б. Көркем проза тілін зерттеудің ғылыми-теориялық негіздері. Филол. ғыл. д ... дисc. – Алматы, 1977. –
44  б.
3 3.Шайкенова А.Ж. Көркем мәтін және дискурстық талдау. Филология студенттеріне арналған оқу құралы. – Петропавл,
2012. – 8 б.
4 4.Қазақ әдеби тілінің сөздігі. Электронды нұсқасы.
5 5.Кекілбаев шығармалары Ә. Электронды нұсқасы.

1 1.Jubanov Q. Qazaq tіlі jo’nіndegі zerttewler. – Almati’, 2010, – 148 b.
2 2.Shalabaev B. Ko’rkem proza tіlіn zerttewdіng ghi’li’mi’’-teori’’yali’q negіzderі. Fi’’lol. ghi’l. d ... di’’sc. – Almati’, 1977.
– 44 b.
3 3.Shaykenova A.J. Ko’rkem ma’tіn ja’ne di’’skwrsti’q taldaw. Fi’’lologi’’ya stwdentterіne arnalghan oqw qurali’. – Petropavl,
2012. – 8 b.
4 4.Qazaq a’debi’’ tіlіnіng so’zdіgі. E’lektrondi’ nusqasi’.
5 5.Kekіlbaev shi’gharmalari’ A’. E’lektrondi’ nusqasi’.


How to Cite

Kozhahmetova А. К. (2016). Research in Artistic Texts Pragmatics in Corpus Linguistics. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 158(6). Retrieved from