To the question about the comparable analysis of phraseological units with the component of eyes/көз (on material of the Rus- (on material of the Rus (on material of the Russian and Kazakh languages)


  • F. А. Musyrmanova Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
  • S. K. Sansyzbayeva Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
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somatizm, frazeosomatizm, somatic component, lexical – semantic groups, language picture of the world.


This article focuses on frazeosomatizms of Russian and Kazakh languages component eye / kөz in a comparative perspective. In this article we are considered phraseological units (FU) investigated Frazeosemantick field, having in its composition component somatism eye / kөz, which in turn clearly reflect the linguistic picture of the world of Kazakh and Russian peoples. We analyze the component structure of phraseology, belonging to the semantic field. Tokens with a somatic component eye / kөz extremely active in frazeocomposition both in Russian and in Kazakh languages, since they are directly related to the perception of the world, his knowledge, change and evoke associations with life and feelings of physical and mental activity, the nature of man. The folk traditions of the people associated with them a set of symbols, signifying how certain terms and conditions as well as the expression of specific emotions. The conclusions of the universality and national identity FU with somatism-components. 


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How to Cite

Musyrmanova F. А., & Sansyzbayeva, S. K. (2016). To the question about the comparable analysis of phraseological units with the component of eyes/көз (on material of the Rus- (on material of the Rus (on material of the Russian and Kazakh languages). Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 158(6). Retrieved from