The didactic principles and methods in teaching by means of new technologies


  • К. К. Turarova Алматы менеджмент университеті
        56 30


technology, basic concepts of didactics, aim of didactic process, principles of didactics, innovation, module education.


The article deals with the problems of Kazakh language teaching methods using the innovative technologies. Today much attention is paid to knowledge and skills. It is necessary to use new techniques that develop learners’ thinking and speaking skills while teaching the Kazakh language. Consequently, the article deals with the aims of the didactic process of teaching in accordance with modern requirements. The definition of the concept of innovation is discussed in the article. The main requirement today is to combine new teaching techniques and teaching techniques content. The article raises the issue of module education determining the necessity and guaranteeing the satisfaction of human needs. The author addresses the need to present all the three parts for effective interactive teaching.


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How to Cite

Turarova К. К. (2016). The didactic principles and methods in teaching by means of new technologies. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 154(2). Retrieved from