The investigation of the of somatic fragments of picture of the world as reflected in language on the basis of binary oppositional pairs.


  • A. B. Nurjanova Сүлеймен Демирел университеті Назарбаев университетінің , Қаскелең қ.
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binary opposition, somatic phrases, picture of the world as reflected in the language,


The article dwells upon the importance of application of linguistic methods in classification of binary oppositional pairs of somatic fragments of the picture of the world as reflected in language. The consideration of somatic fragment of the picture of the world as reflected in language from the perspective of binary oppositions discloses a peculiar feature of linguistic conservation pattern which has a special role in the connection of language and cognition and cognitive activity Applying the accumulated knowledge as a somatic code for physiological asymmetry of human organism (left / right) and threefold vertical grouping of human body constitution (head, chest, legs) analysis of somatic linguistic units resulted in the following: all positive traits are reflected in right and high components ofleft / rightand high / low binary oppositions inKazakh cognition.


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How to Cite

Nurjanova, A. B. (2015). The investigation of the of somatic fragments of picture of the world as reflected in language on the basis of binary oppositional pairs. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 147(1). Retrieved from